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Double bill: Unbounded: Preliminary Studies in Algorithmic Choreography - Cassiel Gaube & T.H. | The Very Last Northern White Rhino - Gastón Core

  • Concert Hall 't Zand Bruges, Flemish Region, 8000 Belgium (map)


- presale: €18
- reduction -26: €9.5
- reduction -35: €12.05

8 p.m. - Concert Hall

Unbounded : Preliminary Studies in Algorithmic Choreography - Cassiel Gaube & T.H..

In this short presentation, choreographer Cassiel Gaube and 40 dancers from the 2nd Bachelor Training at P.A.R.T.S. offer an insight into their collaborative artistic process. For a week, they explore how a seemingly infinite variety of choreographic compositions can be created using a limited number of rules. Through experimentation with these tools, a series of choreographic sketches emerge. This public presentation is part of a new research project "Choreographies" for which Cassiel explores the intersection between choreography and algorithmic art. 

After the show moment, there will be an after-party discussion with the choreographer and some of the dancers in which we will go deeper into the work process and research questions.

choreography: Cassiel Gaube & T.H.
music: Logan Woodyard
movement coach: Thomas Vantuycom & Robin Haghi

21:15 - Studio 1

The Very Last Northern White Rhino - Gastón Core (Belgian premiere)

When New York Times journalist Sam Anderson heard about the death of the last male northern white rhino, he took a flight to Kenya to observe and describe in detail the lives of the last two female rhinos. The image of these animals - in ignorance of the fate of their species - gave the reporter a sense of peace, at a moment of global uncertainty. 

Choreographer Gastón Core introduces us to various urban dance styles, such as krumping, finger tutting, waving, Afro. He presents Man, here dancer Ouloy, as having "too much energy for our needs," after an idea by poet Paul Valéry. Core strives to present dance as excess, as a celebration arising from life. Dance to exhaustion, dance to the end, because perhaps nothing more can be done.

as part of Bits of Dance

in cooperation with Concertgebouw Brugge and KAAP

Feb. 14

HYENA HYENA - Marc Vanrunxt / Art/Work

Feb. 28

Michiel Vandevelde / Dance workshop 'The Rise'